Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Letter: Week 5

Dear Munchkin,

You have a nickname! I let Daddy pick it. I figured that's the least harmful way to let him have some say in this whole thing. So, Munchkin you are! It's been a busy week. I'm still feeling okay. And for that, I am grateful.
Exciting things are happening this week. You are the size of an apple seed. And many of your major organs are starting to form. Heart, liver, stomach, etc. How cool is that? Mabye that's why I've been so tired. Growing a human is hard work.

My favorite part of this week? It's over. Which means Daddy and I are closer to getting to see you! The ultrasound next week should show off your pretty, healthy heartbeat! Exciting stuff, kiddo.
You just stay nice and warm all snuggled in Mama's ute. I'll do the rest.

One other thing before I go. If there is anything you can do to make my boobs chillax, I'd be appreciative. I'd even consider a deal involving a Sophie. They are completely NSFW. We can't have Mama losing her job over her soon to be triple D's making a cameo at the morning meeting.

Sophie. That's all I'm saying. Squeak. Squeak.

Love you, Munchkin. See ya next week.

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. So cute. I haven't sarted the letters yet. I can't wait to see both Bumblebee and Munchkin sonograms this week. SQUEE!
