Sunday, March 22, 2009

just another tequila sunrise

this post has nothing to do with either tequila or sunrise....that just popped into my head. Anyway, so on the ttc front, things are trucking along. The hubs in getting more and more excited about the whole thing. Lately, he has been waking me up in the morning with "baby, take your temp" to which i respond, "I just did. Leave me alone". A morning person, I am not. But it's cute to see him excited. Of course he's been ready, but somehow he is able to take a passive, "it'll happen when it happens" approach. Me, on the other hand, I'm temping, and touching anything I can. Which brings me to the fascinating topic of cervical mucus and even more riveting, cervical position. The latter of which, is much more difficult for me. But I believe I'm learning.
Anyway, the point is that the baby making is in full force. So we shall see, I suppose.
Other than that, this stupid weekend has flown by. Why, oh why must tomorrow be Monday already? I don't wanna...........

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