Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm scared.

So, we are moving a little faster on the crazy train of baby making than I expected. I have had some abnormal bloodwork that has prompted some additional blood work and a Semen Analysis for Mr. J. I know this is a good thing. If there are problems as my doc suspects, I want to know sooner rather than later. Want to get a jump on correcting the problem or adjusting our strategy. I know that knowledge is power. I get it.

But I am shaking in my slippers. I'm having difficulty formulating my thoughts on this, much less accurately describe it. So please, bear with me. I feel like getting closer to answers means two things.
1. (and perhaps most obviously) It means that we increase our chances of conception. And ultimately of babydom. This is a good thing, I know.

2. It means that we are closer to potentially exhausting other options. And potentially having to come to terms with the possibility that we will never reach babydom.

That may sound crazy or excessive or unnecessary, but that's where I am.

And I'm not ready for #2. There is a part of me that wants to keep humping as clueless and hopeful as ever. Without any bloodwork, or medicine, or visits to the "Whackatorium" (as a friend of mine so eloquently put it). Just hump and hope. Hump and hope. That sounds nice.

But there is a part of me, bigger still, that is grateful for good doctors, a mostly awesome husband, modern medicine, and answers.

I have never been so excited and so fearful all at the same time. I suspect that is a combination that will become very familiar from this point forward.


  1. Hee hee hee, I love saying "whackatorium".
    Just rememeber that knowing what you're up against is 10000% better than being clueless about your body. It's scary, but the evil you know is easier to handle than the one you aren't aware of.
    ::wet kisses::

  2. I'm late on answering but I have to agree with MK. Not knowing gives you no chance to fight. It's better to go into battle head on knowing your enemy (and don't delude yourself. A woman's body is always her enemy..LOL). GL

  3. I know exactly what you're saying. Hump and hope sounds wonderful. I've been putting off making my appt for a week. One of these days I'm going to have to snap out of it. I'm wishing you the best. Let's not fret about Option #2 until we have to.
