Sunday, April 4, 2010


I was back in the hospital again Wednesday and Thursday. I stated having some pains (which apparently were contractions, but I didn't know that at the time) while at my 3 hour glucose test. Yeah. Ugh. Anyway. One of the Nurse Practitioners in the office, wanted to go ahead and see me. So she checked me and sure enough, she felt like I was about a fingertip dilated and softening.
So onto the monitor I went. And lo and behold - CONTRACTIONS. Lots of them. So they sent me to L & D. Again.
I had to spend the night, but they were able to stop the contractions by Thursday with meds. And I only dilated to 1 cm. Gave me a couple of steroid shots to help boost his lung maturation "just in case", and sent me home with meds to take when I'm contracting too much.

Here's the moral of the story. I'm home now. Not on bedrest, but have to "take it easy". I'll see Spike (my OB) again on Tuesday. We hope to be able to hold things off until May 5th. That's my c/s date and the 38.5 week mark.

But between you and me....I would be really surprised if things didn't get moved up. It seems that Jude may have inherited his mother's patience.
So for now, we wait.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Stay put for a little longer, Jude!
